“Interpretation that comes straight from the horse’s mouth… and the pig’s and the goat’s.”
Visitors to Newbridge Farm historic working farm come face to face, and nose to nose, with a whole collection of rare and traditional livestock breeds.
Through new fun and informative interpretation and orientation signage, visitors can now get to know their Tamworth Reds from their Gloucestershire Old Spots, or their Paddlings from their Gaggles.
Super-friendly illustrated animal characters, based on Newbridge residents, guide visitors around the farm, revealing its secrets, pointing the way and gently explaining the ‘dos and donts’ of the farm experience.
A Farmyard Discovery Trail guide encourages families to interact with the farm, and subtly reinforces conservation and protection messages.
We refreshed all signage for the historic buildings and installed new wayfinding posts. For orientation panels we commissioned a new illustrated map while our tone of voice guidelines informs signage to create empathy with the animals.
Interpretation panels help visitors pick up key information about the creatures they meet and a flexible panel system for pens and paddocks, allows the Newbridge Farm staff to move them around as animals change home.
Multi-sensory engagement is layered throughout the experience: Penny’s Picnic & Play Area houses new interactives, with ‘touch and feel’ discovery boxes, rubbings of animal and tree features and an audio post that encourages visitors to identify animal noises.
The animal characters were developed as flexible and dynamic assets and they’ve been enthusiastically adopted by the Farm team who have incorporated them into marketing and retail activities.
Plans are already afoot to use them for special events and branded merchandise. We think they’ll really help Newbridge Farm stand out from the pack…or herd…or flock.
Super-friendly illustrated animal characters, based on Newbridge residents, guide visitors around the farm, revealing its secrets, pointing the way and gently explaining the ‘dos and donts’
of the farm experience.
Interpretation planning and production of Visitor Experience Plan
Redesigning of visitor orientation and arrival
Graphic design and artworking
Project management including cost estimating and control, on-site supervision
Snagging and handover