Tandem Design


News and views from the Tandem team


News and views from the team at Tandem.


Royals at home at HomePlace

Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall welcomed to Seamus Heaney HomePlace

Tandem’s Creative Director Andrew Todd was among the invited guests for the special Royal visit. Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall spent longer than expected in our ‘Man & Boy’ exhibition, to which the Prince had contributed a reading of Heaney’s ‘The Shipping Forecast’. 

HRH praised the ‘imaginative display of a wealth of material, the myriad ways in which the visitor is invited to appreciate, to participate and even to create themselves…you have reciprocated the tremendous pride which your famous son felt for his native soil.’

Read more on the HomePlace website.

Read our Case Study

Image: SHHP-Royal-Visit-2-HP-web